How to Locate the Ideal Location for Your Laundromat
Identify Potential Locations
The best laundromat locations share certain characteristics. A high population density gives you a sizeable potential customer base. Laundromats are more popular in areas where incomes are in the middle or lower range because residents are less likely to have their own laundry machines. Likewise, areas with a large share of renters, students, and transient populations also tend to use laundromats more.
Where is the best location for a laundromat? The following places are also recommended:
- Near city centers
- In strip malls
- Near transportation hubs
- Close to college campuses
- In mixed-use developments
- Adjacent to military bases
- Near residential areas with several rental units
- Close to large employers or industrial parks
- In tourist areas
- Near low-income neighborhoods
Consider Competition
If there are no other laundromats in the area, you have a clear opportunity. When other laundromats are already established, weigh the competition carefully. Is there still hunger for more services? Could you do the job better? Are you planning to offer specialty services or additional conveniences? Make sure there’s enough need and that you have a decisive plan to differentiate your business. If not, look where there’s less competition.
Prioritize Visibility and Accessibility
Visibility makes it easier for potential customers to find your new business. Accessibility is about creating convenience and comfort, which are vital for laundromats. You want customers to routinely bring big bags of laundry in and out of your establishment. To encourage that, create an environment that makes it as easy and comfortable as possible. Look for a storefront with plenty of parking, sidewalks without barriers, and doors that are easy to operate. Lots of lighting and great signage are also helpful.
Study the Size
Is the space you’re considering the right size? Will it accommodate the layout that you have in mind? Does it offer room for expansion in the future?
Examine Zoning and Hookups
The perfect space is only perfect if it’s appropriately zoned. Commercial zoning is great. However, don’t forget to check into water regulations and environmental issues and regulations. In addition, laundromats have special requirements for plumbing and electricity hookups. If these aren’t possible, then the location isn’t the right choice.
Inspect the Structure
What is the condition of the building where you are considering setting up shop? Is the structure safe? Are the major components, such as the roof, HVAC system, and electrical system, in good repair? Is the building compliant with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA)? Is there a security system? If appropriate, check with other tenants to see how the landlord responds to issues.
Consider the Neighbors
Laundromats can thrive when they partner with neighboring businesses that attract similar customers. Consider the existing businesses that surround the potential location. Gas stations, small restaurants, and general stores are great companions for laundromats. Are there ways to network and chances for collaboration and community building? If so, that’s a positive sign.
Scrutinize Pricing
Whether you’re purchasing or renting, price is an obvious factor. Before accepting the deal on a space, review the terms carefully to ensure that they’ll set the stage for success. If you’re buying, review your financing options carefully. If you’re leasing, see if you can negotiate terms to protect your business. For example, an exclusivity clause can prevent the landlord from leasing to other laundromats in the same complex.
Choosing the best location for a laundromat is a key ingredient in the recipe for success. Filling your location with the right design of profitable, technologically advanced, energy-efficient laundry equipment is another. For that, turn to Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium vended, on-premises, and multi-housing commercial laundry equipment. Our leasing program provides no mileage fees, no service fees, and no parts fees. You can use high-quality Speed Queen equipment while enjoying a flexible lease and predictable payments. To learn more about our products and services, please call us at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!