Financing Your Laundromat
If you’re trying to sort out how to finance a laundromat, a cash purchase is probably the easiest way to move forward if you have the resources. It can give you the greatest leverage in a deal. However, tying up large sums of cash in a single purchase can be a big risk. It may also prevent you from taking other opportunities.
Seller Financing
With seller financing, the seller agrees to hold the note for all or some of the purchase price for a specific period. Some buyers hesitate to pursue this type of financing because they assume sellers won’t be interested. However, as BuyALaundromat explains, this deal isn’t as one-sided as it might appear at first glance. The buyer enjoys the chance to finance their purchase over time. Meanwhile, the seller avoids the massive tax burden that would come with taking payment in a single lump sum. Plus, they have a reliable income without any work for a few years.
Bank Loan
If you’re figuring out how to finance a laundromat or any small business, there’s one source that’s almost certain to cross your mind. A bank loan is the most common source of financing. There are various loan products to choose from, including traditional bank loans like a term loan and small business loans backed by the Small Business Association. The details of your loan will vary depending on the loan that you choose. Doing business with banks means that you’ll enjoy some of the best interest rates if you qualify. This can help to keep your monthly expenses lower. Unfortunately, applying for bank loans brings lots of paperwork. It can also mean dealing with lengthy wait times.
Home Equity Line of Credit
In recent years, home prices have soared. If you own a home or rental property, you may have substantial equity. Tapping into this with a home equity line of credit, or HELOC, to fund the purchase of a laundromat can be a way to transform your equity into an income stream. Advantages of HELOCS include easier qualification and lower interest rates.
Private Financing
When other sources of funding are unavailable or unappealing, private financing can provide the answer. Several types of private funding exist. A promissory note is one example. If your offer of a promissory note to an investor is accepted, then everyone agrees to a set of terms in return for funding. Here, you’ll normally be expected to make regular payments over the life of the loan. It’s not uncommon for the final payment to be a balloon payment. A direct investor is another possibility for private funding. In this situation, someone provides funding by purchasing a piece of the business. The terms of the deal should be meticulously structured; if you want the investor to be a silent partner with no say in the operation of the business, then it needs to be made clear in the legal paperwork.
Assumption of Existing Loan
Not all loans are assumable, but some are. With an assumable loan, a qualified buyer can step in and take over the existing loan. As Laundromat Resource indicates, this option can be cheaper than starting a new loan, and it can be a handy option if you’re having trouble finding financing. However, it should only be done in specific circumstances. Be sure that the business has a positive cash flow or that you have a clear value-add opportunity that will boost equity fast.
Are you planning to buy a laundromat? For a reliable distributor, check out Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium vended, on-premises, and multi-housing commercial laundry equipment. Our leasing program provides no mileage fees, no service fees, and no parts fees. You can use high-quality Speed Queen equipment while enjoying a flexible lease and predictable payments. To learn more about our products and services, please call us at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!