In most laundromats, the customers handle the bulk of the washing, drying, sorting, and folding. They hardly expect to be waited on hand and foot. That doesn’t mean that laundromat owners can simply ignore the matter of excellent customer service. Although it may not be obvious at first glance why customer service is important for laundromats, there’s no doubt that it’s absolutely essential.
What Customer Service Looks Like for Laundromats
Customer service is about supporting the customers who use your products and services. For laundromats, that might mean ensuring that the space is clean and neat and that all the machines are in good working order. It could mean having friendly, knowledgeable attendants who create a welcoming atmosphere and keep things running smoothly. It might also include having the promised amenities on-site, including a free Wi-Fi connection, a television, clean restrooms, or fully-stocked snack machines. Of course, customer service is also about addressing problems when they arise. Ideally, any issues should be dealt with promptly.
Why Customer Service Is Important for Laundromats
Every business needs customers. The customer service that you provide in your laundromat is crucial for several reasons:
Retaining customers is cost-effective.
As Entrepreneur points out, it costs five times as much to lure in a new customer as it does to retain an existing customer. You need customers coming through the door to keep your doors open. From a strictly financial standpoint, providing quality customer service that will help you retain your current customers is simply good business.
Good customer service strengthens your brand.
People are willing to pay a little more for good service, and they remember companies that offer it. Providing excellent customer service strengthens your brand, and it helps to build your laundromat’s positive reputation in the community.
Word-of-mouth advertising is amazing.
Good customer service can win you word-of-mouth advertising, which is both powerful and free. After all, the average person is far more likely to be persuaded by a friend or neighbor they know than a stranger’s online review or a paid spokesman’s advertisement.
Building goodwill protects you against inevitable stumbles.
No matter how carefully you plan, how hard you work, or how fantastic your luck is, something will eventually go wrong. When it does, having a solid reputation for providing excellent customer service can provide some welcome cushion. Customers who are used to receiving good service from your laundromat are more likely to give you a little time and space to figure out how to fix the problem. They know you normally provide good service, and they’ll expect you to come through with the same this time. Without that established goodwill, you’d have to work harder to avoid losing the customer’s business.
Effective customer service reduces employee turnover.
Hiring and training employees is an investment of resources, so losing qualified employees can be painful. Oddly enough, insisting on good customer service can help you reduce employee turnover. Human resources experts believe that when you create a culture where customers are treated well, it resonates with your employees. They’re proud to be part of the team and expect to be treated fairly too, so they’re generally more willing to stick around. In contrast, companies that undercut their customers with poor service also jeopardize their relationships with their employees. Demoralized and feeling like they are at risk of receiving the same shoddy treatment, their employees tend to move on as soon as they have a better opportunity.
Great customer service creates opportunities.
A successful laundromat with a friendly, welcoming atmosphere is a pleasant place to do your laundry. It’s also bound to attract other people in the community who are interested in positive partnerships and effective collaborations. Savvy community leaders and business people recognize the value of good customer service, so when they see business owners who clearly understand its value, they tend to offer them various opportunities.
At Laundry Solutions Company, we know why customer service is important for laundromats. That’s why we’ve been focused on satisfying our customers since we first opened our doors in 1976.
If you own a laundromat or are planning to purchase one soon, check out our products and services. We’re a full-service provider of premium vended, on-premises, and multi-housing commercial laundry equipment. Our leasing program provides no mileage fees, no service fees, and no parts fees. You will be able to use high-quality Speed Queen equipment while enjoying a flexible lease and predictable payments. To learn more, please give us a call at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!