Why would a customer frequent your laundromat if they didn’t feel confidently safe while they washed and dried their clothes? By taking advantage of the laundromat safety and security tips below, you can help your customers feel safer while they do their laundry, because they truly are safer. Not only will customers appreciate these features while using your laundry equipment, but they will also be more likely to return and to encourage their friends and family to use your services as well. By investing in a safe environment, you can help your customers as well as your business; it’s a win-win situation.
Laundromat Safety and Security Tips
Not only do well-lit laundromats deter criminals, but they also help customers feel safe. Check that every part of your facility is properly lit, including the parking lot. This is especially important if you have decided to run a 24-hour laundromat. In addition, a well-lit laundromat will decrease the chances of an accident occurring.
Large Windows
To increase the safety of your laundromat, make it easy for people outside to see inside the facility and people inside to see out. Check that clear sight lines to all sections of the laundromat exist if possible. In addition, be very selective with the size and placement of any posters or signs that you hang on the windows.
Door Entry Alert
Use a bell or electronic device to ensure that a sound goes off whenever somebody enters or exits the facility. This is especially important if your establishment is open 24 hours, as there may only be one or two people present in the middle of the night, and it is helpful to know when somebody else has entered.
On-Duty Attendant
Although an unattended laundromat can be beneficial in some ways, especially during less-busy hours, attendants can increase your laundromat’s safety. If an attendant is on duty at all times, you can deter crime within the building.
Security Cameras
A surveillance system will deter criminals, make customers feel safer, and improve the police’s chances of catching the criminal if a crime occurs. If you use this security method, make sure that it cannot be handicapped by a criminal simply cutting a phone line or moving a camera. For example, some cameras send an alert when they are moved.
Locked Areas
Ensure that any office spaces are behind locked entrance ways. In addition, make sure that any areas of your laundromat that hold money (like change machines, washers, and dryers) are secured. Of course, if you do close your laundromat at any point – i.e. your laundromat is not a 24-hour facility – ensure that it is secured by high-security locks and strong doors.
Alarm System
Alarm systems can detect if there is movement inside the facility, a window has been broken, or a door has been opened, and they can alert you of the threat. Be sure that your employees are responsible and will always turn on the alarm system when closing up for the night.
Security Signage
Simply posting signage describing your security system and any other security measures that you have taken will provide two benefits: it will deter criminals, and it will increase your customers’ comfort levels.
Although taking advantage of these laundromat safety and security tips may be time consuming and somewhat costly, the benefits greatly outweigh the negative aspects. Building a safe environment will help your laundromat become a more successful business overall.
If you’re interested in opening a laundromat, be sure to check out Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium vended, on-premises, and multi-housing commercial laundry equipment. Since 1976, we have been providing exceptional sales support, laundry design services, commercial laundry equipment (and leasing options), and laundry equipment service and parts. To learn more about our products and services, please give us a call at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!