When you own a laundromat or coin-operated laundry facility, your dryers aren’t just expensive investments; they’re also the lifeblood of your business. To ensure that they stay up and running for years to come, it’s important that you learn and implement dryer preventative maintenance from the start. Just a few quick and simple maintenance tasks could save your dryer’s life someday (and in turn, save your business’s bottom line). To help you get started, today we’re discussing some basic dryer maintenance tips.
Dryer Preventative Maintenance
Eliminate lint. It’s a simple chore, but cleaning the lint out of your dryer’s filter frequently and regularly is crucial. Ideally, it should be cleaned after every load. In addition, clean the filter with soap and water a few times each year to remove any remaining soap and fabric softener. Finally, about once a year, disconnect the exhaust duct and remove the lint that has accumulated there. You should also vacuum any lint out of the heater box.
Check the door seal. If the door seal becomes loosened, hardened, damaged, or worn down, replace it immediately. Warm air will escape otherwise, reducing the dryer’s efficiency and causing it to work harder.
Clear out internal clogs. If your dryer’s speed has noticeably decreased, there may be an obstruction in the vent duct that leads to the outside of the building. You may be able to spot a clog by removing the lint filter and shining a flashlight inside. To remove it, you will probably need to disassemble the dryer and vacuum out the obstruction.
Examine the outdoor weather hood. If the dampers are constrained, pushed in, or under the weight of something, remove the culprits so that they can move freely.
Replace damaged belts and loose hardware. After disconnecting the machine’s power, check the tension and condition of the belts. If they are worn or cracked, replace them before they can cause further damage. You should also examine the mounting hardware. If you spot loose nuts, bolts, or screws, tighten them firmly into place.
Ask the distributor for help. Assuming you’re working with a knowledgeable and helpful distributor, don’t be afraid to ask them for help. Not only will they be able to tell you how to maintain the machine, but they can also complete the maintenance and repairs. This is just one reason why choosing a supportive and reliable distributor is so crucial.
Review the manufacturer’s recommendations. If anyone knows how to maintain your dryers, the manufacturer does. Review your manufacturer’s guidelines and give them a call if you have specific questions.
Preventing damage before it happens is the best way to protect your dryers in the long run. Keep these tips handy and teach them to your employees as well. Finally, if you’re looking for a reliable distributor, be sure to check out Laundry Solutions Company, a full-service provider of premium vended, on-premises, and multi-housing commercial laundry equipment. Since 1976, we have been providing exceptional sales support, laundry design services, commercial laundry equipment (and leasing options), and laundry equipment service and parts. Although headquartered in Springfield, MO, we also operate out of Tulsa, Kansas City, and St. Louis, and we’re proud to be the sole authorized distributor for Speed Queen equipment in the states of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. To learn more about our products and services, please give us a call at 800-383-9274 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!